Some of our partners

About the Programme

A sustainability accelerator is a program designed to foster the growth of early-stage to mature businesses focused on addressing environmental and social challenges.



Pairing startups and mature businesses with industry experts, seasoned entrepreneurs, and investors who have a strong background in sustainability.


Workshops and Training

Bi-weekly workshops on key topics such as sustainable business models, impact measurement, fundraising, and market strategy. Skill-building sessions on leadership, team building, and communication.

Sustainable Finance Accelerator Program


Seed funding subject to approved pool. Access to a network of impact investors and venture capitalists for potential follow-on funding.

Sustainable Finance Accelerator Program


Opportunities to connect with a global network of sustainability-focused startups, corporates, and thought leaders. Regular networking events, demo days, and industry meetups. Early-stage startups can network with the mature businesses in the program

Sustainable Finance Accelerator Program

Resources and Infrastructure

Co-working space in a green-certified building. Access to labs, prototyping facilities, and testing grounds for product development. Legal, accounting, and marketing support from partner firms. Participating businesses can leverage Access Nation's network to market products to be consumed by Access Nation and/or its customers.

Sustainable Finance Accelerator Program

Impact Measurement

Guidance on setting and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) related to environmental and social impact. Tools and frameworks for impact reporting and communicating value to stakeholders.

Sustainable Finance Accelerator Program

Community and Alumni Network

Ongoing support through an alumni network that provides continued mentorship, networking, and collaboration opportunities. Platform for sharing successes, challenges, and best practices.


Impact Goals

To empower innovative startups focused on sustainability by providing them with the resources, mentorship, and network needed to scale their impact and drive systemic change in industries related to environmental conservation, renewable energy, circular economy, and sustainable living.

Reduction in carbon emissions, waste, and resource consumption. Increased use of renewable energy and sustainable materials.

Creation of green jobs and economic opportunities in underserved communities. Promotion of sustainable living and consumer behavior.

Growth of sustainable startups into viable, profitable businesses. Attraction of investment into the sustainability secton

Collaboration with universities, research institutions, corporates, and non-profits to provide additional expertise, resources, and opportunities for startups.


Selection Criteria

Innovative Solution

Startups with groundbreaking ideas that address significant sustainability challenges.


Solutions with the potential to scale and create widespread impact. Scalable across geographical markets in the continent


Strong, diverse teams with a mix of technical and business expertise.


Clear focus on sustainability and a well-defined plan for measuring impact. Product should align with SDG and ESG integrations

Minimum Viable Product

Solutions that address a clear market need and have a minimum viable product and business model.